
There’s a saying that “The greatest human being is the one who becomes true by arguing with himself.”
The habit of self-accountability or self-trial brings a lot of benefits in our lives. This is the first step to success. It allows us to identify the positive or negative things that arise within us. Keep an eye on your strengths and weaknesses. So You can improve your character. Get rid of the habit of carelessness. Because it’s the root of many social, economic, individual and collective problems.
A person without self-accountability cannot progress.He is not aware of his shortcomings. Because of which he cannot be corrected and he cannot learn from past mistakes. As a result, he is left behind in the race for life. He always blames others for his failures. That is why it is said that self-accountability is the most difficult task in the world. Because it shows man his true and real picture. Introduces him to his horrible look.
Our religion, Islam, teaches us self-accountability. One of its basic beliefs is the belief in the Aakhirah. Another name for this is “belief in self-accountability”. The result of this belief is that we should keep an eye on our deeds, hold them accountable from time to time and see if we are not acting against the will of our Creator. If so, we need to repent immediately. Otherwise, in Aakhirah, we have to face the result.
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