Make A Dua for Husband

Always make a dua to make your relationship stronger, and keep your spouse safe from evil things.
Ya Allah, I pray that you protect my husband as he goes out into the world in order to bring an income for our family. Cover him with Your safety and protection. O Allah,keep him safe from accidents and bad situations. Protect him and bring him back home safely to our family, Ameen.
Ya Allah I pray that my husband works daily on strengthening and building his relationship with You. Help him to seek You always, not just in times of trial, but also in the good times as well. Guide his heart and help him make You the greatest priority in his life,I pray that you continue to mold my husband into a strong, spiritual leader in our home. Let him be an example for our children, showing them what it means to be a Abad of Allah. Dear Allah, help him to direct and guide our path as a family. Ameen .
Ya Allah, always protect our unity as husband and wife, making us the perfect compliment for one another. Help me to be the helper that my husband needs physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.It is so easy to nag and stress my husband, but I pray that you help me to be a joy for my husband and never a hindrance. Ameen .
Ya Allah, Let our relationship grow stronger and stronger each and every day. Help me to love the man you gave me unconditionally, even if he may not deserve it in that moment. Help me to treat him with mercy and always forgive our differences. Ameen ❤️ 🙏.
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