Companions Around The Prophet

This amazing book Companions Around The Prophet is written by Abdul Malik Mujahid originally in Arabic, this English version is prepared by Syed Taj Ahmed. It has 254 pages. The book title is hard to cover and inside pages are in fine quality. With interactive pictures inside to raise the interest level of the reader. It’s from @darussalam.sns
The author wrote about the prominent companions of the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him. starting with Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq Radi Allah Tala ‘Anhu till Anas Bin Maalik Radi Allah Tala ‘Anhu .
It explained the brief introduction of the companions with their qualities and facts. The way he wrote the chapters of the book is interesting and in a very simple way, he engages the reader with the life journeys of the Companions.
I would highly recommend this book for young readers to know the real superheroes of Islam and the sacrifices they made for Islam. As parents,
it’s our duty to select the right books for our children, which adds values and ethics in their lives. The passion of these companions was outstanding, which we need to pour in our young minds.
This book is also for all ages who want to know about our Islamic History and facts. It’s good to know about our Religion and it’s Heroes so we can adopt the qualities from them to inspire the Other religion persons with our characteristics.
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