40 Rabbana Dua

There are 40 Rabbana Duas in Quran and 6 of them are from Surah Al Baqarah.
Today we will discuss about the very popular “Rabbana Atina Fid Dunya Dua” which is from the Qur’aan (Surah Baqarah 201).
This is very powerful dua which we recite in Salah. It’s an open ended dua and you can ask Allah anything which you want to ask and Indeed Allah knows what’s inside our heart.
This is an important dua, very comprehensive, Hasanah in Arabic translates to good deeds, Khair… good in all….
In Hasanah 3 things are included: your daily life needs, your aakhirah benefits and peace.
What comes in Hasanah of this world: health, family ( spouse, children ), wealth, job, knowledge, integrity, strength, friends, business, etc
If you have above things and Hasanah is missing, so your Aakhirah ‘ll be destroyed. Like you have a good job, earning good, beautiful kids but you didn’t serve your wealth and kids for deen and For the right path … they’re wasted. So you are asking Hasanah in this world from Allah.
Now let’s see what’s come for good in Aakhirah … Beneficial knowledge, good deeds, Faith, Ikhlas etc which leads you towards the Hasanah in Aakhirah where you’ll surely get Allah’s Pleasure, Jannah with your family, proximity ( closeness) of The Prophet Mohammad Peace be upon him and above all An opportunity to see and please Allah. SubhanAllah!
In Tafseer it’s written “In short, this du’a is a compendium of all prayers in as much as it encompasses the entire range of man’s worldly and other-worldly objectives. Apart from enjoying peace in the world, and peace in the Hereafter, the verse, refers in the end to the safety from ‘the punishment of Fire’ as well. It was for this reason that the Holy Prophet PBUH used to pray with these words very frequently”
So let’s start recite this dua, it’s small about 11
words but it’s very powerful and beneficial for both worlds. Remember me and my family in your Dua as well.
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